

Julien Girard
(top) Frames from the NenuFAR TV around the event at 54 MHz.(bottom) dynamic spectrum showing two kind of solar burst seen in radio (the red line corresponds to the maximum of emission seen on the NenuFAR-TV). The frequency driting structure are characteristif of this kind of emission.(insert) Composite image from LASCO-C2 and SDO-AIA (193Å) during...
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Since 1/12/2020, the NenuFAR correlator is fully operational and thus the NenuFAR imaging mode is available. The correlator, nicknamed NICKEL (NenuFAR Imaging Compute Kluster Elaborated from LOFAR’s), is a clone of LOFAR’s new COBALT-2 correlator (Broekema 2018) that was scaled and adapted to NenuFAR’s antenna field. Support was obtained (and much appreciated) from ASTRON to...
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